Odd noise coming from my furnace


My furnace for a really long time was making an odd noise when it turned on.

It was a loud, grinding sound that was super aggravating.

Anytime I tried to sleep, I swear that the heater would fire up and keep me awake all night long. Eventually I started googling what to do. I changed out the furnace filter. I oiled the blower. I then cleaned everywhere that I could see and access to. So what was the problem? The noise didn’t stop. I debated on calling a handyman, but then I decided I didn’t want to change a furnace repair to a non-professional. I ended up googling furnace repair Terrell, Texas. Terrell furnace businesses are quite few and far between. Living in Texas means that the vast majority caters to a cooling need. Well it does get cold in Terrell to warrant a heating system. I didn’t want to chance having no heating in the middle of the winter. The Terrell heating company that I hired was great. They arrived on time, in uniform, and knew immediately what to do. Apparently the issue was my connection to the ductwork. It wasn’t properly hooked together and as a result, there was grinding happening. I didn’t get into the nitty gritty. I was just glad that my Texas heating repair was low cost and quick. It was really nice too that I didn’t need to babysit the contractor. I was able to clean my house and do laundry while the guy fixed my heating complication. I will be using this Terrell heating provider again.

furnace repair terrell tx